Python package

Modules of the Discord Proxy package that are relevant for clients.


Client API for external apps using discordproxy.

class DiscordClient(target: str = None, options=None, timeout=None)

Client for interacting with Discord.

  • target – The address of the Discord Proxy gRPC server. Default is: “localhost:50051”

  • options – An optional list of key-value pairs to configure the gRPC channel.

  • timeout – Default timeout for gRPC method invocations in seconds. If not specified the timeout is about 30 minutes.

create_channel_message(channel_id: int, content: str = '', embed: Embed = None) Message

Create new message in a channel.

  • channel_id – ID of channel to create message in

  • content – Text of the message

  • embed – Embed of the message


Created message

create_direct_message(user_id: int, content: str = '', embed: Embed = None) Message

Create new direct message.

  • user_id – ID of user to create direct message for

  • content – Text of the message

  • embed – Embed of the message


Created message

get_guild_channels(guild_id: int) Iterable[Channel]

Get all channels.


guild_id – ID of guild to get the channel for


Guild channels


Custom exceptions for discordproxy.

exception DiscordProxyException

An exception generated by Discord Proxy.

exception DiscordProxyGrpcError(status: StatusCode, details: str)

gRPC error created by the gRPC protocol.

These are usually caused by issues with the Discord Proxy gRPC server, e.g. a failed network connection.

property details: str

Details about the error state.

property status: StatusCode

GRPC status code. See also: Status codes and their use in gRPC

exception DiscordProxyHttpError(status: int, code: int, text: str)

HTTP error created by the Discord API.

These are usually caused by API errors on the Discord server.

property code: str

JSON error code.

property status: int

HTTP status code.

property text: str

Error message.

exception DiscordProxyTimeoutError(status: StatusCode, details: str)

The gRPC method timed out.

to_discord_proxy_exception(ex: Exception) DiscordProxyException

Convert gRPC exception to a discordproxy exception.

Will remain unchanged if it is not a gRPC exception.

gRPC classes

Client and server classes corresponding to protobuf-defined services.

class DiscordApi

Provides access to the Discord API

class DiscordApiServicer

Provides access to the Discord API

GetGuildChannels(request, context)

Get the list of channel for a guild

SendChannelMessage(request, context)

Send a message to a guild channel

SendDirectMessage(request, context)

Send a direct message to a user

class DiscordApiStub(channel)

Provides access to the Discord API



channel – A grpc.Channel.

Generated protocol buffer code.


Helpers for client apps.

class GrpcErrorDetails(type, status, code, text)

Create new instance of GrpcErrorDetails(type, status, code, text)


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 0

parse_error_details(grpc_error: RpcError) GrpcErrorDetails

Helper for parsing the details of a gRPC error exception into a named tuple. Recognizes a Discord error encoded as JSON